Real Estate Listings
CRUD Web App

A CRUD application using PHP, Bootstrap, and Sass that provides user authentication for two roles, allowing to easily access and administrate listings.
Fantasy Client
June 2023
Software Developer 👩🏻💻

The Development Project

The project required building a web-based CRUD application utilizing PHP as the backend programming language. The front-end interface is designed using Bootstrap and Sass to ensure a responsive and visually appealing user experience. The solution includes user authentication by storing user credentials in a database. This allows users to securely log in to the application. Different access levels are defined, distinguishing between administrators and regular users. The administrator page serves as the central hub for managing projects. It provides a user-friendly interface for editing and deleting project information stored in the database. Only authorized users can access this page based on their credentials. For regular users, a separate page is available to view project information without the ability to make changes. This user page presents the projects in a read-only format.

The Goal

Create a webiste with a simple database where the admin can add, publish, and edit listings for the end user to interact with.

The Solution

A web-based CRUD application were the admin can Create, Read, Update and Delete information with HTTP Get, Post, Put and Delete methods interacting with the MySql database in XAMPP.




User Authentication

User login functionality is integrated with the project. User credentials, such as usernames and passwords, are stored in the database.


Admin Access

Admin Access

Administration Page

The administration page is available only to users with administrative credentials. It provides additional functionalities for managing the project.


Display Information

Display Information

User Page

Users with a user role, distinct from administrative credentials, have access to a separate page. This page displays the projects but does not provide the editing or deletion functionality.


Web App

Web App


The application used HTTP Get, Post, Put and Delete methods to perform Create, Read, Update, Delete functions, while interacting with the MySql database in XAMPP.