On-Site Form Management App

A mobile app that automates form creation and management for on-site managers, enabling quick and efficient transportation of information.
360 Energy Liability Management Ltd.
April 2023
Software Developer 👩🏻💻

The Development Project

As a member of a collaborative team, I played a crucial role in designing and developing an MVP (Minimum Viable Product) aimed at streamlining form management at 360 ELM. Our main objective was to save time by automating the process of sending custom forms to the server, rather than waiting for employees to physically bring them to the office for scanning. To achieve this, we built a mobile app that allows on-site managers to efficiently fill specific forms used for managing information internally. Users simply need to sign in with their credentials, select the form, fill it out, and send it. The app instantly saves a PDF copy on the company's private server, resulting in immediate and efficient transportation of information. As a result the company can easily manage that information digitally, preventing human errors of previous processes.

The Goal

Stop relying on scanning physical copies when storing on-site custom forms.

The Solution

Mobile app that lets users sign in, select the form, fill it out, and send it to the private server as a PDF.




Login with Credentials

The main screen of the app is displayed upon opening. It features a button to log in.


Choose & Fill

Choose & Fill

Select the Form

Form Selection: On the screen, two blocks are presented, offering a choice between different forms.The user selects the desired form from the available options.

Form Filling: Once the form is chosen, the user begins the process of filling it out. The form includes mandatory fields that must be completed. All fields are validated to ensure accurate data entry.


Data Storage

Data Storage

Data Saves in JSON Format

Saving Data: As the user clicks the next button on each page of the form, the entered information is saved. The information is stored in a JSON object.

JSON Object Storage: The JSON object containing the entered information is stored in an array of JSON objects. The array is saved in a file named "result.json."


Private Server

Private Server

Automatic Submission to Private Server

PDF Generation: After the form is completed, the app provides an option to save the completed form as a PDF file. The user can choose to generate a PDF version of the form.

Automatic PDF Submission:
Once the PDF is generated, it is automatically sent to the company's server. The server receives the PDF file and processes it accordingly.